- PS/2 to DIN keyboard adapter from Digikey
- 5-pin DIN plug from Digikey
- Keyboard used: HP MODEL:SK-2880 P/N:434820-112
- A collection of manuals and utilities for the 35665A from KO4BB
A keyboard connected to the 35665A can be very useful especially if you plan to automate your measurements with HP Instrument BASIC. The 35665A uses the old 5-pin DIN connector keyboards. In the manuals there is an ominous warning for the terrible fate that awaits you if you connect a non-approved keyboard (C1405A #ABA for U.S. ASCII). So I decided to try my luck.
Long story short I found an old PS/2 Keyboard from our IT department (it always pays to have friends there). I connected it through an adapter and it just worked.
Now the problem was that the whole assembly protrudes to much. So I cut the cable and soldered it directly to a (shortened) plug. Here's how it looks now.